Balanced Ergonomics WorkPace Pilot program During 2003-2008 Balanced Ergonomics conducted a number of Pilots of the WorkPace rest break and stretch software. The pilot typically runs for 6-8 weeks. These pilots included private companies, large corporate, educational institutes and government departments both state and federal. The following results were obtained by randomly surveying 1,610 WorkPace users in Australia form 45 organisations representing a population base of 115,000 employees. Long term surveys of existing customers show these results are sustained and OOS and musculoskeletal disorders frequency and severity are dramatically reduced.
People who reported pain and discomfort from computer use prior to using WorkPace. Ö 57% of staff suffer pain or discomfort from using their computers Ö 68% of those suffering had significant improvement in their symptoms after using WorkPace for only 6 weeks Ö 85% recommended and wanted to continue using WorkPace Reported overall benefits from using WorkPace Less Tiredness 44% Less Eyestrain 54% Less Pain or discomfort 50% Less Work stress 28%
Changing Habits Users reported Doing more exercises 77% Taking more breaks 78% Taking more micropauses 86%
Work/rest ratios
People take more natural breaks as part of their computer usage patterns. Effects on productivityWorkpace has been shown to have the following effects computer usage Ö Average keystrokes increase by up to 20% Ö Keyboard error rates drop by up to 2.5% For a copy of the full report , obtain additional information, or to arrange a pilot of WorkPace please contact Balanced Ergonomics.
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